Autumn Equinox

The fruits of summer have all been eaten and the leaves of the trees begin to fall… In Autumn we feel the winds of change taking away the light of the long days, bringing a slight chill and reminding us of the impermanence of all things. Here is a simple autumn ceremony to do with […]

Shadow Work and Healthy Boundaries

At this time, astrologically, we are sandwiched in between two eclipses, and the shadow is up! The shadow must first be enlightened in order to be loved into the totality of our being. There are two major aspects of shadow – a light side of shadow and a dark side. On the light side of […]

Three Keys to Priestessing Death

Today is the the first anniversary of my father’s passing. In honor of him, I dedicate this post. Few of us look forward to the death of a loved one. In fact, most of us try not to think about death at all and are surprised when it comes. Death is a fact of life […]

The Archangelic Invocation

The Archangels provide protection and guidance and are here to assist us if we only ask. Because we live in a free will universe, it is important that we request assistance. This simple yet powerful invocation allows the angelic forces to come to your side and your aide.

Summer Solstice Ceremony

Summer Solstice makes things bright, increasing power, love and light. The peak of summer is a time to celebrate, contemplate and get clarity. At the Summer Solstice, the light of the sun is greatest, making the days of summer the longest and warmest of the year. In fact, the Summer Solstice is the longest day […]

Full Moon Ritual

The full moon is a powerful time for manifestation. The magnetic pull lends increase to whatever we are thinking or feeling, so it is a good time to be conscious with our intent as you intend on the full moos is given a boost of light and power. For men and women both, doing an […]

5 Steps to Soothe Scoprio’s Sting

It’s November – the time of year when the shadows get long and the days get short. Metaphorically, the darkness is ascending. The recent New Moon in Scorpio is bringing the shadows to the Light. How have your past two weeks been? Have you experienced the sting of unresolved shadows in your relationships? If so, […]

Love Heals All

Poems, songs and inspired philosophers of all ages have often said that “love heals all”. Is this more than just a catchy phrase? The answer is yes. Hard science proves to us exactly how this thing we call love creates harmony and perfection. Some scientists have concluded that love is a frequency. Dr. Leonard Horowitz […]

The Yoni and The Feminine Force

Yoni is a Sanskrit word for the sacred reproductive and sexual organs of a woman. The yoni is the gateway to life here on earth. All things manifest must pass through the portal of the feminine. A woman’s yoni is She is the magic creatrix and what is planted inside her grows. A seed planted […]

Oneness Meditation

Oneness Meditation Connect to the Healing Life Force Energy of the Universe A Simple Meditation Meditation does not have to be complex. Meditation can be as simple as reminding ourselves of our radiance, our innocence and our creative power. Qigong is the art of working with universal life force energy, Qi or Chi to become […]