The Priestess Path
The Priestess Path is ancient and modern. It is a path walked by countless women throughout time who love the Divine and wish to be of service. This is an eternal path, available to all and owned by no one. At the dawn of recorded history, the Priestess Path was available to all […]
Forgiveness Fire Ceremony
Freedom & Forgiveness Fire Ceremony The element of fire transforms and transmutes. This is why fire ceremonies are so effective and widely used. The warm summer days in the Northern Hemisphere are a wonderful time to have a beautiful fire outside and ceremonially free yourself of any burdens that you have been carrying. The summer […]
The Great Mother
The Great Mother: The Great Mother is called by many names. She has many forms and many faces She is the Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman, Crone She is Hathor, Isis, Inanna, Artemis and Aphrodite She is the fertile May Queen, eternally resurrected. She is the light-bringer, Brigid and Cerridwen of the shadows. […]
Ritual Bathing Recipe for Renewal and Regeneration
Self-nurturing is a cornerstone of the priestess path. When we nurture and care for ourselves, we recharge our batteries and have more to give. During self-care, we can take the time and change our vibration so that we are manifesting those things that we truly desire. You are vibrational being first and the signal you […]
Joan of Arc Sacred Warrior
Joan of Arc inspired a nation to stand up against the tyrannical invasion of an oppressive and negative force. She reminds us of the strength of faith in a higher power and of a life lived in dedication to a holy and noble cause.
The Mud and the Lotus: Turning Pain into Medicine
How to turn pain into medicine? Suffering into beauty? Dross into gold? The Sacred Warrior makes a stand for the sacred in a loving way. The challenge is to turn the pain into beauty. What was once been hidden is now revealed. Dying to an idea of who you thought or wished you were is difficult.
The Dark Patriarchy’s War with The Goddess
The sacrificial burning of Notre Dame, Our Lady — an attempt to sacrifice the rising power of the goddess.
The Lineages of Light
Ancient legends speak of a time when a great civilization flourished on earth that was destroyed in a monumental catastrophe. The wisdom keepers of this high culture were called the Zero Chiefs. They left the sinking land and sailed to the four corners of the earth in order to preserve the sacred knowledge so it […]
Rise of the Feminine & The Fall of Corrupt Kings
The return of the feminine light is celebrated today on St. Brigid’s Day. Traditionally a candle is lit to honor and celebrate the return of the feminine fire that brings nature back to life from winter’s slumber. As the ice melts and the flowers bud, I was moved to honor this High Holy feminine day […]
Summer Solstice Ceremony
Summer Solstice makes things bright, increasing power, love and light. The peak of summer is a time to celebrate, contemplate and get clarity. At the Summer Solstice, the light of the sun is greatest, making the days of summer the longest and warmest of the year. In fact, the Summer Solstice is the longest day […]