The Great Mother

The Great Mother:   The Great Mother is called by many names. She has many forms and many faces   She is the Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman, Crone She is Hathor, Isis, Inanna, Artemis and Aphrodite She is the fertile May Queen, eternally resurrected. She is the light-bringer, Brigid and Cerridwen of the shadows.   […]

The African Dark Mother

In celebration of Black History, we highlight the African Mother Goddess Could modern western iconography be derived from a far more ancient tradition? Could Africa be the origin of the first divinity that we know? And is this first divinity feminine? In the excerpt from her book “African Dark Mother – The Oldest Divinity We […]

Invoking New Beginnings! Solar Eclipse Dec. 26

The Solar Eclipse on Dec. 26th is at 12:13am ET in Capricorn (9:13 PM Pac Dec. 25th) Take Control of Your Destiny Invoke New Beginnings The Solar eclipse on Dec. 26th comes only five days after the longest, “darkest” night of the Winter Solstice. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we just experienced […]

The Lineages of Light

Ancient legends speak of a time when a great civilization flourished on earth that was destroyed in a monumental catastrophe. The wisdom keepers of this high culture were called the Zero Chiefs. They left the sinking land and sailed to the four corners of the earth in order to preserve the sacred knowledge so it […]

Rise of the Feminine & The Fall of Corrupt Kings

The return of the feminine light is celebrated today on St. Brigid’s Day. Traditionally a candle is lit to honor and celebrate the return of the feminine fire that brings nature back to life from winter’s slumber. As the ice melts and the flowers bud, I was moved to honor this High Holy feminine day […]

Welcome to the Priestess Path!

In traditional cultures, women who served as priestesses held an honored place in society. Historically, their numbers were few and they forsook traditional life. Then came the dark ages ruled by religion and patriarchy when women of power were systematically silenced and removed. Today, things in the West have changed and the role of priestess […]