Love Heals All

Poems, songs and inspired philosophers of all ages have often said that “love heals all”. Is this more than just a catchy phrase? The answer is yes. Hard science proves to us exactly how this thing we call love creates harmony and perfection. Some scientists have concluded that love is a frequency. Dr. Leonard Horowitz […]

The Yoni and The Feminine Force

Yoni is a Sanskrit word for the sacred reproductive and sexual organs of a woman. The yoni is the gateway to life here on earth. All things manifest must pass through the portal of the feminine. A woman’s yoni is She is the magic creatrix and what is planted inside her grows. A seed planted […]

Yoga and Qigong, Sister Sciences

Yoga and Qigong are sister sciences. Yoga originated in India and Qigong in China. Yoga and Qigong share many similarities.  Qigong differs from yoga in that it employs the use of the energy circles that create large circular and fluid movement. If you already practice yoga, you may be interested in adding the fluidity of […]

Oneness Meditation

Oneness Meditation Connect to the Healing Life Force Energy of the Universe A Simple Meditation Meditation does not have to be complex. Meditation can be as simple as reminding ourselves of our radiance, our innocence and our creative power. Qigong is the art of working with universal life force energy, Qi or Chi to become […]