Freedom & Forgiveness Fire Ceremony

The element of fire transforms and transmutes. This is why fire ceremonies are so effective and widely used. The warm summer days in the Northern Hemisphere are a wonderful time to have a beautiful fire outside and ceremonially free yourself of any burdens that you have been carrying.

The summer often gives us opportunities to take a break and do something outside of time. This is what ceremony is all about — creating a safe and sacred space outside of linear time where we can do our inner work. In this liminal space, we speak to the spirits, to Spirit, and to our souls. And just to note, this ceremony will work in any place and time, as it is your intention that gives it power.

Life gives us a constant flow of challenges and change.

As we move through our days on this earth walk, we encounter new people, new challenges, destined meetings, and ample opportunities to forgive and release. When we release these burdens, we free ourselves of heavy, negative energy, making way for more inspiration, more love, creativity and happiness.

When someone has harmed you intentionally or unintentionally, or when you have turned against yourself, forgiveness is the tool that cuts the cords of entanglement and releases the issue back to a higher power.

Anger and resentment may be entertained for a time, as we are human, but we will eventually lose our precious energy and tire of the small, tight, constrictive energy. After years of practice, I have come to the humble realization that I must pray for those who wish to harm me.

I could be angry and resentful, and wonder why life isn’t fair, but I have found that this is not healthy for me or anybody else. The Law of One says that the higher beings preserve a precise balance of equal amounts of positive and negative in each person’s life, in order to give us the free will to choose what we will focus on.

Forgiveness is the grand flush that cleanses the soul of the debris of lifetimes of events and interactions, thoughts words, and deeds. The best forgiveness technique I have encountered so far is the Ho’oponopono.


The Ho’oponopono

Morrnah Simeona

This simple, elegant, and potent forgiveness technique was brought forth by a female Hawaiian Kahuna, Morrnah Simeona. She said she received it directly from Source and believed that it was her life’s work to deliver this spiritual tool to the world.

So potent is this technique, that Dr. Hew Len, a psychiatrist, applied it to patients in a mental ward and in four years, the ward shut down because all of the patients were healed and released.

The interesting thing is that Dr. Len was not focusing on healing the patients, instead, he focused on clearing his own limiting and judgmental beliefs about each patient. He would read the patient’s file and do the Ho’oponopono technique on himself. To his and other’s amazement, one by one, the patients that had been admitted for a mental illness miraculously healed and left the hospital. Imagine applying this healing power to your life.

Dr. Hew Len

When Morrnah describes this technique, she notes that we are first and foremost speaking to the Divine. We are first calling to God, Goddess and Son, the Trinity Divinity, and humbly apologizing for any transgressions we may have made upon the Divine, the earth, ourselves, or others. In this prayer, we acknowledge that we may have crossed or transgressed the Divine, the earth, or others and that this could be the reason that certain heavy energies are within us now.



An eternal timeline that includes multiple lives is a major aspect of this thinking. If someone I have never met or spoke to in this life is feeling negatively charged towards me, it could be that I transgressed against them in another life. I would consider this when doing the Ho’oponopono.

This alchemical prayer also takes my own ancestors into consideration as well. When asking for forgiveness, we are also asking for forgiveness of any misdeeds our ancestors may have done to anything or anyone. If one struggles with an addiction that their mother, grandmother, uncles, etc. also struggled with, there may be an ancestral inheritance that we are asking forgiveness and transmutation for.

Universal laws govern our earthly and spiritual life.

Ignorance of the law does not alleviate it. And so, as we travel on the road throughout this life and others…. we accumulate debts from our deeds that we must atone for and release. The greatest payment is compassion and understanding and laying one’s weapons down.

The spiritual science that lives within this forgiveness prayer is worthy of much contemplation. For now, I wish to simply give you the scaffolding of it, and highly recommend you put this potent medicine to use.

Ho’oPonoPono Forgiveness Prayer:

I’m Sorry

Please Forgive Me

Thank You

I Love You

Every time I teach this in my Priestess Path initiations, I get the same questions:

The simplest answer is: Change your focus and speak to Creator and not to the individual who hurt you. When we broaden our perspective and expand our awareness to encompass the possibility that we are eternal souls on an eternal timeline, and that we may have lived many lives and had many interactions, we can see that the people we meet now, we may have met before… and we may have a history with them. Also, remember that Dr. Hew Len did this technique on himself, and not on the patients, so you can speak to yourself as well.

If we have had interactions before, maybe what is happening now came from the past.

With this in mind, we are apologizing for anything we or our ancestors may have done to this person or their ancestors in the past, in this life, and in past lives. Our conscious minds do not need to know exactly what may have occurred and when. The key to this work is your sincerity and will to release, and repent and balance any transgressions that you or your ancestors may have done to God, the Divine, to the earth, to yourself, and to others. That is the expanded perspective in which we do this prayer. Repentance has often become a charged word due to the prolonged adverse effects of organized religion on certain individuals and groups. However, it simply means to have compassion: to be able to feel and see the harm we may have done, to truly understand in our hearts how that feels, and to know what it means to be a gentle soul. I have found that just wanting the best for someone, even if that person appears to be our “enemy,” is easy to do.

Let’s break the Ho’oPonoPono down:
  1. The intention of this ceremony is to burn away that which you are ready to release.
  2. Get into a quiet, meditative space/state.
  3. Bring to mind a person or event that you are still feeling anger, resentment, judgment, etc. towards. It can be yourself.
  4. Bring to mind the Divine: Father, Mother, God, the loving Creator.
  5. Speak these words to Creator, sincerely asking to be cleansed of any debts or heavy energies.
  6. Ask the Divine to help you transmute and release these burdens.

And again, we say:

I’m sorry

(for any transgressions I may have made to the Divine, to a person, or their ancestors)

Please forgive me

(I ask to be released from any anger, resentment, burdens, and cords due to anything I may have done)

Thank you

(Thank you for the opportunity to release you, for the lesson, for the wisdom, for the strength)

I love you

(I often say: I wish the best for you, and then I truly feel the desire for this person’s life to be better)


If you wish to add the forgiveness prayer to a fire ceremony, you will need:

  1. Find a safe space to make a fire. If outside, make sure it is legal for you to have a fire and use good fire-making and tending practices. Have some water with you to put it out if necessary.
  2. Light the fire and call to the Element of Fire, thanking it and asking for its help.
  3. Call in the powers. If you do not know how to do this, you can just call to Great Spirit, God, Creator and ask for help releasing.
  4. State your intention: To release the burdens you are carrying and asking for their help.
  5. Write what issues/burdens you wish to release on the pieces of paper.
  6. Do the Ho’oponopono.
  7. Ceremonially cut the cord and release it by putting the piece of paper in the fire.

If you are doing this in a fire ceremony, you can write what you are releasing onto a piece of paper and burn it in a fire. You may wish to speak to the element of fire and ask that it lend its power to the transmutation of this issue.

The main thing is that you sincerely wish to apologize and be released from anything we may have done, because if we have lived many lives, we have very likely made many mistakes — and we are introduced to these people to tie up the loose ends as we travel our path of ascension.

I break this forgiveness ceremony down thoroughly in my priestess training courses, where we do it together in deep ceremonial space, but I want to share the seed of it here — as it is a very powerful release ceremony to add to the fire ceremony.

Share your results and your thoughts below!

43 Responses

  1. i used to practice massage and healing for many years and learned a special cleansing fire ceremony from a chiropractor, using a wok on a stand and a small amount of epsom salt
    placed in the wok and covered only to the top of the epsom salt with rubbing alcohol, i use the type with wintergreen, then light it, the flames go up and will not leave the perimiter of the
    wok, of course you have to be very careful, only saturate the 2 inches of epsom salt. as this burns itself out it totally cleanses a rather large area, you can feel it and cleanse yourself and the area where massage was done.

    1. I have studied Hooponopono in Hawaii with Moniah’s direct family her sister and her niece. We flew to Big Island and sat with us ancient family to do Hooponoponofor our divorce. After studying the Hawaiian Temple rites of HikeauHeaiau for over25 years it changed my life and walking with the Kahuna Nui’s of this temple my life will be clever changed and gifted. Highly recommend….

    2. I had forgotten about this, but used it even in my school classroom before each month started. It made a huge difference

  2. This is beautiful and timely for what I need at this time.. Thank you and God bless you and David.

    1. Thank you Priestess Elizabeth. The Ho’oPonoPono Forgiveness Prayer is beautiful and sacred. I have introduced it to my Palliative Care Caregiver Group that I facilitate. It is very powerful.
      This is very timely and grateful received as I shall be teaching Reiki in a few weeks on the full moon. I now know what the meditation will focus on. Bless you. You are indeed a blessing to me.

  3. This was beautiful Elizabeth, and so needed at this time! I have practice with this prayer but this reminder was Divinely Timed!
    With much gratitude and appreciation,
    ~Mary Karman~

  4. Elizabeth,
    Your spiritual accomplishments are truly remarkable and set you apart. I have followed you and David for a long time and appreciated your efforts. I especially noticed a change, perhaps 2-3 months ago, where any earlier nervousness transformed into a warmth and spiritual connection that seemed to enclose you in a glowing field that I imagine draws in your audience, at least me. My wife, Diana Stone, now passed was a well known astrologer, lecturer and author. Her last book was similar in content to David’s and had a chapter on Ho’oPonoPono. I loved your presentation. Thank you.
    Much love, Don

  5. Thank you for this special fire ceremony ! My soul is grateful for the opportunity to release any and all negative things which interfere with my current journey towards Source !!!

  6. Thank you Elizabeth. I have loved the Ho’noponapona prayer and it is so powerful. And healing.
    P.s. You write beautifully.

  7. This is a very sincere and intense activity; requires focused intention and honesty, so is, as Elizabeth says, very powerful. Following her instruction and details of the
    breakdown of the ceremony is very helpful.

    1. Good observation. It does require a very sober inner honesty. I hope this blesses you and yours.

  8. Elizabeth, this is a beautifully written Call to Heal that thrills me to the core. I am so with you on this. I, too, know the power of ceremony and of ho’oponopono. I agree completely that this is the most powerful work we can do right now, in this time of Birthing. This is how we heal ourselves, which heals all our sacred mirrors. Thank you so much for articulating it so beautifully. You embody the Warrior Priestess with strength and beauty that call all of us to step fully into our own Essence.

    1. Warms my heart to hear, sister! Love the term “sacred mirrors” — thank you for the
      beautiful reflection!

  9. Thank you thank you thank you Dear Elizabeth. As in Canada our First Nations peoples are uncovering mass graves of Indigenous children who died in Residential Schools, I feel this prayer is highly appropriate for our whole country now. We need to make things right. Is it possible to share this link? or is it private? Please let me know. Deep Bow. and Much Love xo

    1. This is a powerful opportunity to speak to the ancestors of the land and do the Hoponopono.
      This like is public, you may share it, thank you.

  10. I was going through a healing with a Reiki master and she had me visualize this very process. I visually wrote on the paper the trauma I needed to let go and then visually I set it fire. As it burned and the smoke drifted up, I could feel the burdens of years lift from me. Of course I was in a deep meditative state as she helped me through this, but I am going to try it in the physical with other issues that have become stressful to me currently. Thank you so very much for all your knowledge you so lovingly share with us!

  11. Beautiful ceremony for forgiveness!
    I love the gentle nature of this Forgiveness Give Away!
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom Lady Elizabeth 🙌🙏🙌

  12. Awesomeness! Excellent and Extremely helpful at this time! Thanks so much!!! Love &Light !

  13. Thank you. I’m also a five. Aquarius, and dragon. I think outside the box. And I am a widow. I had 43 years and 7 months with the love of my life. I could tell him anything and he would understand. We are soul mates I believe the stress of morning Him I have developed cancer stage 4lungs and stage 2 breasts. I am in chemotherapy treatments then mastectomy in October. I have two beautiful pets and I love them. We are family.
    I have researched history. David Icke David Wilcot Michael Tasiron. Mark Passio Telenger and many more. I find it hard to converse with people about these things. They don’t understand.
    I am spirit living in this reality to experience. IAM IAM
    I would like to do the sacred fire.
    To forgive myself and my past
    Love is key. I am happy that you have crossed my path Warrior. You amaze me.

    Joanne Bellemare

    1. Dear Joanne, may your spirit be enveloped in the radiance and peace of God’s light
      as you travel this path. — Elizabeth

  14. hello and thank you for this knowing it is free thanks i could tell so many things about myself. i am . i been listening to hubby for the past four years and lost 180 pounds change jobs at 60 . need a change to be better i luv it. i tell my grown kids its very hard to good i do thus every day.

  15. Thank you for going in depth for this Forgiveness Prayer. This is the best description and understanding I have seen. Blessings

  16. Thanks Elizabeth for sharing your knowledge and teaching us how to open our conscience. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. God bless you!!!!!

  17. Thank You from Nova Scotia, Canada. My question is this, if I did the “Fire Ceremony” with a mirror in front of me what would the results be, better, worst or neutral ? Is it a good practice to have a mirror in front of me, as I do every day and look at the reflection and as Michael Jackson so wisely says ” I’m looking at the man in the mirror I’m asking him to change his ways”.. and I believe you know the rest of the song Thanks Elizabeth, I am also a follower of your husband David.

  18. Thank you Elizabeth for bringing this healing practice. I feel a lot of light coming in now and the Ho’oponopono brought a string of healings in for me. Staying Open and sending Love and Thanks. You are bringing so much authenticity which touches my core. Mahalo Nui from Hawaii.

  19. Just last night I had an experience which brought back a 4 year experience with an abusive and very frightening relationship. Although I am safe, loved, and in the best of new relationships now, it was a sudden shift and a deep awareness of what remains. I am taking time this evening to do this ceremony. Thank you for sharing the steps and the beauty of compassion across lifetimes.

  20. Thank you Elizabeth! I love having a full explanation and a ceremony to follow with the Ho’oponnopono prayer. I was doing the words in the wrong places but I guess Spirit knows my heart. Now I can do it properly though. I hope to take your Priestess Path course next time it is offered…thank you for all that you do within this community. 🙂

  21. Hi Elizabeth, thank you for sharing this expanded and in-depth perspective of the Ho’oponopono prayer. This is very helpful. Pray to the Divine on behalf of those we feel have harmed us or those we may have harmed, in this lifetime or other lifetimes. This gives me a feeling of much relief knowing that the Divine through this Ho’oponopono prayer can help to transmute any transgressions, past or present. Also, sounds lovely combined with the fire ceremony. I think this can also be done with lighting candles. Blessings to you and David 🙂 Namaste 🙏

  22. Hi Elizabeth, I’m new to your platform and just want to say I cannot wait to get into a priestess class with you. I attended yours and David course recently (about to finish up). You did a meditation with us one day that we registered for and I want to tell you it was very powerful for me! I love your energy, I vibe with your frequency and I cant wait to begin a spiritual practice/ceremony with you! Much love, take care ❤❤❤

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